Damages Below Deductible

Damages Under Your Deductible:

After the insurance company adjuster inspects your damage, often the insurance company will send you a letter stating that your property damage is less than your policy deductible and that the insurance company doesn’t owe you any money for your claim. This approach is part of the insurance company’s overall strategy to maximize its profits. The insurance company adjusters who inspect and estimate the cost to repair your property damage are aware of what your deductible is. Furthermore, the insurance company adjusters are sometimes untrained to correctly identify and estimate the cost of repairing property damage. Insurance company adjusters also ignore damage so that insurance companies will continue hiring them for future claims.

Just because the insurance company says your damages are below your deductible doesn’t mean they don’t owe you any money for your claim. You don’t have to accept the insurance company’s position that your damages are below your deductible. Florida law and your insurance policy allow you to dispute the findings of your insurance company.

How We Can Help:

As former insurance company lawyers, we know the strategies insurance companies employ to minimize or eliminate your claim payout. We know the standards that adjusters should follow when inspecting and estimating your property damage. More importantly, we can help you properly estimate your property damage and determine the correct amount your insurance company should pay you for your claim.

If you feel your insurance company has underestimated or low-balled the amount of your property damage, please call us so we can help you determine the correct amount of money the insurance company should pay you.


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